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Future Directions

Full Stack Python is a larger undertaking than I originally envisioned. My original intent was to link to the best resources by category. That grew into explaining the concepts plus including the best links I could find.

This short section lays out my thoughts on what I'm working to improve in the intermediate-to-long term. Full Stack Python is my main 2014 project so I want to make it a comprehensive "complete" reference for Python developers by the end of the year.

These plans can change based on pull requests from the community. I work to integrate PRs within a day or two so please submit one when you see a fix or improvement that needs to be made!

Here are some things I'm actively working on:

After those updates are done I'll go back through and apply visuals to each section to make them easier to read and understand.

That's what coming. What would you like to learn right now?

Let me start over from the Full Stack Python introduction.

What's changed on Full Stack Python since the site began?

I want to learn how to code a Python web application now.

Who created Full Stack Python?

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